Mulch, Mulch, and More Mulch

During my South Florida Master Gardener training, a fellow student asked our extension agent what was the best solution to combat both our dry winters and torrential summer rains. “Mulch, mulch and more mulch,” the extension agent responded. That was 15 years ago, and I can tell you that was the best advice I ever received about gardening. Plus, it’s worked in both the subtropics and the high desert of… Continue reading

Composting with a Green Solar Cone Digester

composter for food scrapsBackyard Solar Cone

We’ve talked about worm composting as a way to recycle food waste. But worms don’t eat everything and if you do a lot of cooking, worms probably won’t keep up with all your waste.

In my yard, I also use the Green Cone System as an additional way… Continue reading | 2 Comments